Invited participants:

  • Ministry of environment and spatial planning of Republic of Macedonia
  • Ministry of economy of Republic of Macedonia (Energy Department)
  • Ministry of transport of Republic of Macedonia
  • Energy Agency of Republic of Macedonia
  • City Administration of the City of Skopje
  • Municipalities located in the area of Skopje
  • Public Transport Company of the City of Skopje
  • MEPSO – National TSO
  • ELEM – Electric plants of Macedonia
  • BEG Production – District heating Company in Skopje
  • EVN – Electricity Distribution Company
  • World Health Organization Office in Skopje
  • Public Company Macedonian Forests
  • Macedonian Centre for Energy Efficiency
  • Analytica Think Tank
  • NGOs
  • Municipalities located in the area of Skopje

‘The role of energy efficiency to reduce air pollution’

Date: 15 March 2018

FacilitationBlack Sea Energy Research Centre (BSERC)

In the previous years, a lot of measuring stations were installed around the cities in Macedonia. Many of them were installed in the capital, Skopje. The parameters of air pollution, especially the PM10 particles showed alarming levels through the heating season. The reasons were located in the huge amount of households (approx. 60%) that use firewood for heating, and the fact that old diesel cars are predominantly used in the capital. The city administration and local authorities took some steps to face the situation, but it is not enough.