The SHAPE ENERGY Annotated Bibliographies cover the four SHAPE ENERGY topics: (1) Energy efficiency and using less; (2) Competitive, secure, low-carbon energy supply; (3) Energy system optimisation and smart technologies; and (4) Transport decarbonisation. These topics were developed based on their relevance for EU-policy; in particular, they are inspired by the priorities set out in the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan and consequently the Horizon 2020 energy work programme priorities.

The extensive bibliographies contain short overviews of a wide number of articles, books and reports from the social science and humanities (SSH), demonstrating the breadth and depth of SSH research already being carried out of relevance to energy topics.

The aim of each bibliography is to give non-experts (such as policymakers, practitioners, and academics from a range of disciplines) a taste of the diversity of energy-SSH research in, or of relevance to, Europe. They thereby contribute to making the capabilities of energy-SSH more visible and they provide a convincing statement of the policy relevance of perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences. They help demonstrate that energy-SSH represents a diversity of disciplines, and many different, sometimes contradictory, perspectives and approaches to energy-related issues.