The SHAPE ENERGY funded internships for PhD researchers to explore interdisciplinary working and the role of social science and humanities within H2020 energy/transport projects have taken off.
The first PhD researcher who took the plunge was Miriam Aczel from Imperial College London. She worked within EURECA in London (UK) from 2 – 27 October to analyse integration of energy efficiency & environmental sustainability in data centres and promote energy efficiency and sustainability in decision-making processes.
From early November eleven researchers more will be working in different projects across Europe, such as: ISAAC in Rome (Italy), EMPOWERING in Padua (Italy), AMBITION in Trondheim (Norway), EMPOWER in St. Gallen (Switzerland), ECOLED in Levven (Belgium), ENERWATER in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), ENERGISE in Galway (Ireland) and MEDEAS in Florence (Italy) & Sofia (Bulgaria).
Stay tuned for the researchers’ feedback on these interesting experiences!