One of the 18 SHAPE ENERGY workshops was held in Brasov, a beautiful city in the centre of Romania, on the 2nd of March, 2018. This event was organized by the Black Sea Energy Research Centre (BSERC), in co-operation with the Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development in Brasov (AMB).

AMB was grounded in 2008 by Brasov Municipality, County Council Brasov and other 18 municipalities in the neighborhood of the city of Brasov, with the aim of promoting and supporting of co-operation of public, private and civil stakeholders towards a sustainable economic, social and cultural development of the Metropolitan Area of Brasov.

As one of the main issues for a sustainable development is transportation, especially in an area with such an important touristic potential, the theme approached by SHAPE ENERGY workshop raised a real interest among participants. We were pleased to have twenty participants coming from various stakeholders: municipalities, NGOs, transport operators, citizens.

After each participant had written their individual stories, trying to identify the main challenges of urban mobility in the Brasov area, they were asked to imagine solutions for these challenges. For the most important two ones collaborative stories were written.
The main idea highlighted by the event was that participants are especially interested in supporting the sustainable way of transportation (electric, bike, public transport) and in developing an adequate infrastructure.

As the two short recorded videos showed, participants saw this workshop as a good opportunity to interact with each other and to pass further their vision about a sustainable transportation in their area.

By Nicoleta ION
 ENERO – Center for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania