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Lead partner: ARU, Contributing partners: POLITO; KIT; ENTPE; METU; NTNU; DW; ECEEE

We will bring together high profile scholars – including leaders of various SSH communities (journals and academic groups) – to discuss how best to operationalise some of the specific objectives of the Platform, as well as confronting issues such as different terminology and conceptual priorities (which will need to be carefully approached during the project’s lifetime). 20-30 scholars will be invited to participate to maximise a balance across gender, geography and energy/SSH disciplines. Letters of support from those already committed are included in Section 4.3.1. ARU will set the venue, date and manage all logistics.

The contributing partners will support ARU in the design of the workshop agenda and approaches to running the meeting. Specific sessions of the workshop will be recorded and transcribed such that an outputs report can be compiled. A key Deliverable will be a ‘Lexicon’, a set of definitions that have been discussed (implicitly and explicitly) across all WP1 activities to overcome disciplinary barriers, and used in all subsequent Platform activities.

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